
Understanding fertility

Most couples take too long of a time or spend too much on fertility treatments that have very little success. With Generation Prime, you want to empower you with information so that you can make informed choices about having a baby… now or in the future.

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Assessing your fertility – the first step

A fertility assessment for both spouses is the first step in developing a treatment plan especially for your fertility needs. By understanding some basics about our own fertility and getting the diagnosis right, we believe that you are taking one big step towards finding the right solutions and on the road towards achieving your fertility goals.

Female fertility assessment

Anti-Mullerian hormone

A blood test that indicates the ovarian (egg) reserve of a woman which can be measured at any time in the menstrual cycle. This tells the amount of potential eggs remaining in her ovaries.

Antral follicle count

This transvaginal ultrasound also evaluates a woman’s ovarian reserve. Seeing more follicles mean a higher number of egg reserve, indicating that she is likely to respond well to ovarian stimulation medication.

Minimally-invasive diagnostics
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

Examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes for any signs of blockage that may be hampering fertility. Viewed with an x-ray, a medical dye is introduced into the uterus and through the fallopian tubes.


A thin, lighted tube is inserted into the vagina to examine the cervix and inside of the uterus.

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Male fertility assessment

Semen Analysis

An evaluation of a man's fertility by analyzing the health and viability of his sperm based on the number, the shape and the movement of sperm; these make up the parameters for diagnosis:

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Refers to the number or amount of sperm in your semen sample. A normal concentration reads more than 15 million sperm per milliliter. A low concentration of sperm is diagnosed as oligozoospermia. Absence of sperm in an ejaculation sample is diagnosed as azoospermia.


A normal-shaped sperm have the ability to swim fast with the likelihood to find and enter the egg. If a semen sample contains less than 4% of normal sperm morphology, the man has a condition called teratozoospermia.


How sperm moves is also a factor in male fertility because forward moving sperm have higher chances to travelling from a woman’s cervix, to the uterus and up into the fallopian tubes in hope to find the egg for fertilization. If less than 32% of your sperm are forward moving, the condition is known as asthenozoospermia.

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